
China Feicheng Yutian Chemical-Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose Manufacturer

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Home / Hydroxyethyl cellulose / Hydroxyethyl cellulose

Hydroxyethyl cellulose

Hydroxyethyl cellulose

Hydroxyethyl cellulose as a non-ionic surfactant, in addition to thickening, suspension, adhesion, floatation, film formation, dispersion, water retention and provide protective colloid, but also has the following properties

Main Features

chemical name: hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC)

technical requirements:
Quality standard



Molar degree of substitution (M.S)


Moisture content (%)


Water insoluble matter (%)




Heavy metal (ug/g)


Ash content (%)


Viscosity (mpa.s) 2% aqueous solution at 20℃


Lead (%)


This product is white or slightly yellow odorless, tasteless and easy to flow powder,40 mesh screening rate ≥99%; Softening temperature :135-140℃; Expression density :0.35-0.61g/ml; Decomposition temperature :205-210℃; Slow burning rate; Equilibrium temperature :23℃; 6% at 50%rh and 29% at 84%rh.
It is soluble in cold water and hot water, but generally insoluble in most organic solvents. The viscosity changes little in the PH range of 2-12, but decreases beyond this range.

important properties:
Hydroxyethyl cellulose as a non-ionic surfactant, in addition to thickening, suspension, adhesion, floatation, film formation, dispersion, water retention and provide protective colloid, but also has the following properties:
1, HEO can be dissolved in hot or cold water, high temperature or boiling does not precipitate, so that it has a wide range of solubility and viscosity characteristics, and non hot gel;
2, its non-ionic type can coexist with a large range of other water-soluble polymers, surfactants, salt, is an excellent colloidal thickener containing a high concentration of electrolyte solution;
3, water retention capacity is twice higher than methyl cellulose, with better flow regulation,
4, HEC dispersion ability and methylcellulose and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose dispersion ability is poor, but the ability to protect colloid is strong.

Solution and preparation method
1. Add a specified quantity of clean water to the container;
2. Add hydroxyethyl cellulose at low speed, stir until all hydroxyethyl cellulose, stir until all materials are completely soaked;
3. Stir until all hydroxyethyl cellulose is completely dissolved, then add other components of the formula and stir well.
Paper bags are packed with polyethylene bags,25kg/ bag, be careful of moisture.
Generally used as thickening agent, protective agent, adhesive, stabilizer and the preparation of emulsion, jelly, ointment, lotion, eye cleaning agent, supsupitory and tablet additives, also used as hydrophilic gel, skeleton material, preparation of skeleton type sustained release preparations, can also be used in food as stabilizer.

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